Our Current Client Tyopes
- Merchants / Importers / Exports
- Football Players / Coaches
- Mining Companies / Traders
About SWEX
Global Liquidity Providers
Top Tier Regulators
Who We Serve ?
Corporate I Individual
Import/Export Children Tuition Payout
Trading International Transfers
International Payroll International Taxes
Dividend Payout-FOREX Real Estate Installments
Manufacturers Imports Foreign Rent Payments
Immigration Agents Credit Card Payments
Many others..
Our local teams are easily able to understand regional norms to ease Client Acceptance
Press "Transfer Application" and connect to our team
London I Nigeria I Lebanon I Dubai
Fast I Reliable I Client Focused I Transparent
Dedicated Team
We are proud to have a fast and dedicated team to our Client needs
Easy Onboarding
Know Your Customer (KYC)
Know Your Business (KYB)
We have you covered!
Trained to balance;
Regulatory Rules - Client Privacy - Local Capabilities
Same Day or Next Settlement
Receive your funds at destination same day of transaction start or next Day
SWEX is a registered affiliate with Regulated FOREX Liquidity Providers who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution
"SWEX" your Way to the World..
Why Should I trust SWEX with my Money?
SWEX has a wide team of intake experts (lawyers and bankers) + regulated liquidity providers + a fast, confidential and 100% transparent process
How long does the process take from engaging till transaction completeion?
Every transacton depends on how ready the client's paperwork and intake file. However, the average intake for corportaes is 1 week to 10 days and ofr individuats is 3-5 days. As for trasnaction execution, this would take 1-2 between siging bid form, and setllement
How can I know the Currency I am interested in is covered by SWEX liquidity providers or not?
You may sign Transfer Application form and our team would be happy to respond to all you currency requirements. Most of the case your FOREX needs are covered
What is the main concept of Onboarding and KYC Guidelines within the SWEX and Partners system?
The main point for individuals is to know the identity of the account owner sending the funds and the same for the destination account.
As for corporate clients, it is important to learn about the nature of business, director profies and that the fund size is relevant to the size of business running (in order to be comlient with Money laundry regulations)
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